We focus on delivering outcomes for our clients across active equities, income, absolute return (including fixed income), multi-asset, thematic and sustainable strategies. We also have the capability to create bespoke solutions to address the new challenges our clients face.

Defined benefit schemes

In recent years, defined benefit (DB) schemes have faced a challenging environment of volatile markets, funding constraints and regulatory change.

Pension fund investment has been at the core of our business since our inception in 1978, and we offer a range of strategies designed to help DB schemes meet their objectives. We offer a suite of income products, aimed at helping schemes deliver on their dual objective of generating income to meet cash requirements and growing capital over time, as well as a range of high-conviction strategies. We can also support schemes in developing bespoke climate solutions.

Defined contribution schemes

The challenges faced by defined contribution (DC) pension schemes are diverse: value for money, consolidation and the increasing focus on sustainability are forcing schemes to reconsider their investments. Inflationary pressures and geopolitical uncertainty are making the search for long-term returns more challenging.

With four decades of investment experience, Newton is one of the UK’s most prominent active managers of DC pension investments. We work closely with DC master trusts, DC schemes and specialist DC consultants to ensure we fully understand the outcomes that members are looking for and any constraints or specific considerations that trustees must take into account.

We believe our actively managed sustainable, equity, multi-asset and absolute-return strategies are well suited to the specific requirements of DC schemes and their members at each stage of the retirement journey.

Learn more about defined contribution

Local government pension schemes

Newton has a long history of working in partnership with local authorities, having managed local authority mandates since 1994.

Local authorities are experiencing a period of great change, as local government pension schemes collaborate to pool assets and deliver improved outcomes for their members. We are an active manager in one of the UK’s premier pools, as well as working together with other pools in order to bring our expertise to the industry. We have local government pension scheme clients across a number of different pools, which helps us stay attuned to the requirements and developments of this area.

We have investment capabilities in actively managed equity and absolute-return strategies. We also have a range of sustainable investment products to address the growing desire to put environmental, social and governance issues at the core of an investment strategy.


Our focus on performance and service has helped us become one of the UK’s leading investment managers for charitable organisations, including charities, foundations and trusts. Our discretionary clients and investors in Newton-managed funds span the broad spectrum of charitable causes.

Whether your organisation provides scholarships, funds scientific research or saves lives, we aim to provide you with a highly effective investment strategy. We understand that each organisation is unique and will have its own investment objective and set of requirements and may also have specific ethical constraints.

For charities wishing to benefit from the administrative ease of a pooled investment, we offer a large variety of pooled funds to meet a broad range of investment objectives, including those focused on long-term income and growth generation, responsible investing, and also lower-volatility absolute-return strategies.

Insurance companies

We offer a range of strategies across all major asset classes, which are designed to help insurers meet their objectives. These include liquid alternatives, efficient systematic strategies, inflation hedging and tail-risk management. We also offer a range of income products and high-conviction relative-return strategies.

Whether your organisation is a life, non-life, reinsurance or health insurance company, we understand the challenges it faces and the opportunities it needs to harness.


Through BNY Mellon Investment Management, we work in partnership with a wide range of financial intermediaries to provide strategies to meet their clients’ particular investment objectives. We bring a focused approach across our comprehensive range of actively managed equity, fixed-income and multi-asset strategies.

Sovereign investors

As markets have experienced the effects of unconventional monetary policy, many sovereign wealth funds and other governmental and supranational organisations have been reassessing their asset allocation. Harnessing BNY Mellon Investment Management’s worldwide presence and local language support, we offer investment strategies designed to meet the performance and diversification requirements of sovereign investors across the world.

Individual investors

Our strategies are available to retail investors via our parent company BNY Mellon Investment Management, which distributes the range of Newton-managed funds. This relationship preserves our focus on investment, while allowing access to the significant breadth of BNY Mellon’s distribution channels.

Your capital may be at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the original amount invested.