Our credentials
Responsible investment has been a foundation of Newton’s approach for over two decades, and throughout that period we have played a highly active role as the industry landscape has evolved.
UN Principles for Responsible Investment
UK Stewardship code
Corporate responsibility
The way our business is governed is designed to ensure that we achieve our commercial objectives in a responsible manner. As part of our corporate responsibility, we share our parent company BNY Mellon’s five-year Enterprise Sustainability goals, which are built around the three pillars of sustainable solutions, inclusive economies, and trust.
Our responsible investment approach
We believe that ESG analysis should contribute to our ability to maximise risk-adjusted returns for our clients, rather than being an outcome in itself.
Ultimately, we believe that companies that are well governed and can mitigate and manage the environmental and social factors that affect their enduring value are likely to be better managed businesses in the long run. This does not mean that we avoid companies with ‘ESG issues’, but that we seek to understand how the market will value companies’ different approaches to these considerations over time.
Integrated ESG analysis**
Our investment managers are responsible for understanding and evaluating material environmental, social and governance (ESG)-related risks and opportunities (where appropriate and as applicable) in the context of their role to create durable value for clients.
In-house expertise
Our investment managers are supported by an experienced global responsible investment team, which drives our internal frameworks, policies, standards, and specialised insights.
Active stewards
As active stewards, we engage and vote, where applicable, to influence practices on matters which we consider material for the issuer, and as we seek outcomes that are in the best long-term economic interests of our clients. We also work with the wider financial services industry around a variety of advocacy areas as they come up.

“Contributing makes me feel like I’m being useful to the planet”.
– Therese Niklasson, Global head of Sustainable Investment
What we offer
We take a range of investment approaches, moving from the integration of ESG considerations, where ESG issues are considered purely to the extent that these may affect financial returns, to combining this with screening, which aims to align products to the values of clients, and to sustainable investment strategies, which have both financial and sustainability objectives.
Core strategies
Our core strategy approach has available a number of research inputs, including, where appropriate and as applicable, our ESG-focused research. In our core strategies, we may invest in securities with ESG risks if we believe such risks are reflected adequately in their valuations, but we will look for opportunities to improve ESG issues affecting companies through voting and engagement.
Exclusions and screening
We offer exclusions and screening to clients such as charity investors.
Sustainable strategies
Our suite of sustainable strategies aim to encourage a better allocation of capital that leads to the generation of sustainable risk-adjusted returns for clients alongside improved long-term global outcomes for the society and the environment. No single investment is without issues or areas for improvement, and we emphasis real-world change where it is needed the most over portfolio purification.
Earlier editions of our responsible investment report are available from our report archive.
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) reports
2023 PRI Assessment Report – Newton Investment Management
2023 PRI Public Transparency Report – Newton Investment Management
The ratings were given by UN PRI to Newton Investment Management Limited and Newton Investment Management North America LLC on 15 December 2023 and were based upon responsible investment activities during the period 1 January-31 December 2022. We have provided compensation to UN PRI to obtain and/or use these ratings in our marketing materials.
Expert comment and analysis from our investment team and industry specialists on topics related to responsible and sustainable investment.
*BNY Mellon India – outsourced service provider to Newton Investment Management.
**ESG analysis may vary depending on the type of security, investment rationale and investment strategy. Newton does not currently view certain types of investments as presenting ESG risks, opportunities and/or issues, and believes it is not practicable to evaluate such risks, opportunities and/or issues for certain other investments. In addition, Newton will make investment decisions that are not based solely on ESG considerations. Newton may conclude that other attributes of an investment outweigh ESG considerations when making investment decisions.
Your capital may be at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the original amount invested.
ESG analysis may vary depending on the type of security, investment rationale and investment strategy. Newton does not currently view certain types of investments as presenting ESG risks, opportunities and/or issues, and believes it is not practicable to evaluate such risks, opportunities and/or issues for certain other investments. In addition, Newton will make investment decisions that are not based solely on ESG considerations. Newton may conclude that other attributes of an investment outweigh ESG considerations when making investment decisions. ESG considerations do not form part of the investment process for Newton’s small cap and multi-asset solutions strategies.
Newton manages a variety of investment strategies. How ESG considerations are assessed or integrated into Newton’s strategies depends on the asset classes and/or the particular strategy involved. ESG may not be considered for each individual investment and, where ESG is considered, other attributes of an investment may outweigh ESG considerations when making investment decisions. ESG considerations do not form part of the research process for Newton’s small cap and multi-asset solutions strategies.
These opinions should not be construed as investment or other advice and are subject to change. This material is for information purposes only.