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Investing with purpose

Newton is a global investment management firm, owned by BNY Mellon. Our story is one of purpose – to deliver attractive outcomes to our clients, and help foster a healthy and vibrant world for all. We do that by taking an active, multidimensional and engaged investment approach.

Investment management services

We provide investment management services to institutional clients, including pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, central banks, endowments, foundations, charities, insurance companies, registered mutual funds, other pooled investment vehicles and institutions, and, via BNY Mellon, to individuals.

Investment strategies

We deliver outcomes for our clients across a variety of investment capabilities, including multi-asset solutions, active equities, income, absolute return (including fixed income), thematic investments and sustainable strategies.

Multidimensional research

In-house research is at the heart of our investment process. Our multidimensional research platform has fundamental, security-specific research as a key component, but also includes thematic, ESG (environmental, social and governance)-focused, geopolitical, forensic accounting, credit, investigative and private-market research. The research platform is augmented by a quantitative toolset. This approach leads, we believe, to better investment decisions.

Our investment team

Our investment team of research analysts and investment managers work in a highly collaborative way across regions and sectors, helping to ensure that our investment process takes the widest possible perspective and is highly flexible.

Investment views & insights

Our investment management professionals provide regular insights on a wide range of topics, including sector research, macroeconomic views and responsible investing. Our blog posts, articles, videos and podcasts keep clients informed on key investment matters.

Newton manages a variety of investment strategies. Whether and how ESG considerations are assessed or integrated into Newton’s strategies depends on the asset classes and/or the particular strategy involved, as well as the research and investment approach of each Newton firm. ESG may not be considered for each individual investment and, where ESG is considered, other attributes of an investment may outweigh ESG considerations when making investment decisions.